Queen Elizabeth II: If the British monarch dies, expect these things to occur
Several rituals will be done as Prince Charles will take the throne and he will broadcast his speech on TV at 6 p.m. Expectedly, the whole country will watch him. “The next day, ‘D-Day + 1’ in Palace code, senior government figures will proclaim Charles’s accession to the throne at St. James Palace before an assembled crowd of dignitaries,” Gullace said.
Prince Charles will be proclaimed king at 11 a.m. and he will swear an oath called the accession declaration. Then, heralds will read a proclamation throughout the city. Following this, it is expected that trumpets will sound, the flag will be raised back up, and cannons will go off in a royal salute.
However, the coronation will happen months after the mourning. After the queen will be laid to rest, that is the time the Palace will organize the coronation of Prince Charles.